Labor leaders
Police officers and their families must be supported by policies that meet inherent policing challenges, such as shift work and risks, and help establish and maintain healthy family relationships.
MORE ▸A culture that encourages early intervention and active bystandership and protects them against retaliation must be created. This will require strong anti-retaliation practices beyond the current legal minimum duty to intervene rules, regulations and laws, and include specific training on active bystandership that both improve police-community relations and ensures the health and safety of officers.
MORE ▸Comprehensive policies and practices should be adopted to promote a culture of officer wellness, including mandatory mental health days and non-punitive assessments. Assessments should promote officers’ physical, mental, and emotional health and wellness, which is an essential component of fair and equitable policing.
MORE ▸College education has been shown to reduce use of force, expanding college reimbursement programs to help hire the best officers and further their educational and promotional advancement.
MORE ▸Improve police legitimacy within communities by implementing procedural justice training and other practices emphasizing fairness and respectfulness principles.