
Implement and Evaluate Non-Police Crisis Response Teams and Co-Responder Programs

Local non-police crisis response teams (also referred to as alternative responders) should respond to persons in crisis, stabilize the situation without relying on the criminal justice system interventions, and connect them to resources and treatment. Research should be conducted on how to build this capacity, particularly outside of urban centers. Where models are currently implemented,…


Research, Design, and Implement Alternatives to Arrest

Research is needed on the design, implementation, and evaluation of alternatives to arrest, including pre-arrest deflection, diversion, community views on diversion, SUD treatment, the impact of decriminalization of certain drugs, and how non-arrest interventions impact involvement in the criminal justice system, particularly with respect to any potential racially disparate impact. It is crucial to understand…


Research the Role of Implicit and Explicit Bias in Decision-Making

Research regarding implicit and explicit biases that exist in policing should (1) measure officer and leadership biases, (2) understand the role it plays in decision-making, and (3) determine how to mitigate its influence on policing outcomes, including police legitimacy.


Conduct Research on Police Culture and Strategies to Change Culture

Research must be conducted on police culture, how it influences operations and outcomes, and how it can be changed. This research should identify all the elements of police culture and determine how to prioritize their implementation.


Improve Community-Driven Violence Prevention Programs

Community-driven violence prevention and intervention strategies must be developed to supplement policing efforts. These should be data-driven, tailored to neighborhood needs, and focused on at-risk individuals. Community-based violence prevention programs should be evaluated for a variety of performance metrics, including changes in community perceptions (such as fear of crime and police-community relations) and disproportionate impacts…


Design and Implement Data Collection Systems and Processes

Data collection and analysis capacity must be prioritized and funded to achieve the transparency that the public desires.


Research and Minimize the Potential for Negative Impact of School-Based Law Enforcement

Additional research is needed to develop strategies that mitigate the potential negative impacts of school-based law enforcement officers on academic achievement, discipline, violence prevention, crime reduction, and police-youth relations. Placement of officers in schools below the high school level should be based on evidence of criminal threats involving the school and should be reviewed annually…