
Use Traffic Stop Data to Improve Early Intervention Systems

A more detailed and identifiable dataset (see Recommendation 8 above) should be used to develop anti-bias, early intervention, and early-warning systems. Stop data for every officer should be reviewed to detect potential bias and to intervene to mitigate bias. Agency-wide aggregate data and the actions taken should be monitored to reduce disparate outcomes.


Monitor Traffic Stop Activity for Bias and Disparate Impact

Regular monitoring of traffic stop activity will ensure there is no bias or racially disparate impact and outcomes. This analysis should be conducted at both officer- and organizational-levels (e.g., by special assignment, districts) and be broader than basic stop data, including officer behavior captured via body-worn cameras.


Change Laws and Policies Regarding the Use of Pretextual (Investigative) Stops

Policies and laws that encourage or allow pretextual stops for minor safety violations, such as items hanging from mirrors, lights out, and other minor mechanical issues, should be changed.


Communicate Pedestrian Stop Strategies, Policies, and Data to the Community

Strategies, policies, and stop activity data should be reported to the community. Community input should be solicited and, where appropriate, incorporated into policies and procedures regarding the use of pedestrian stops as a public safety strategy.


Develop and Implement Pedestrian Stop Monitoring and Accountability Strategies

Strategies to monitor the racial and ethnic impact of pedestrian stops must be developed and implemented to prevent disparate outcomes. The behavior and actions of officers during pedestrian stops should be routinely observed and audited, and officers should periodically review body-worn camera footage and the bases and outcomes of the stops to ensure that their…


Include Community Input in Establishing Strategies for Pedestrian Stops

Goals, policies, and strategies for pedestrian stops must be established with community input, clearly articulated, and tied to larger goals that place the highest value on police-community relations and respect for individuals.


Implement Mandatory Data Collection for Pedestrian Stops

Key data regarding pedestrian stops must be recorded, analyzed, and reported to the public. Data should include time and location, demographics of the person stopped, justification for the stop, whether a protective pat down or search was used, and if actions were taken (e.g., citation or arrest) as a result of the stop.